Lab-7 Maximum Power Transfer:




To analyze a network and determine the maximum power transfer.


1 – 56Ω fixed resistor, 1 – Decade box, Breadboard, Agilent DMM, 4 – Long leads, Bag of Wires.


The internal resistance of the bench power supply is very small and therefore it is difficult to obtain accurate results if we try to determine maximum power transfer to a practical load. Consequently, we will simulate a practical source by connecting a 56 Ω resistor in series with the bench power supply. The bench power supply will be considered an ideal source since its internal resistance is negligible when compared to the 56 Ω resistor.


Part I:

  1. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 7.1.

  2. With RL disconnected from the circuit, set the open-circuit voltage to 10 volts (\(V_{oc}\) = 10.0 V) using the digital multimeter.

  3. Set the resistance of the decade box to 150 Ω and connect it into the circuit. Record \(V_L\) and \(I_L\).

\(V_L\) = _______________________

\(I_L\) = _______________________

  1. Calculate the internal resistance using

\(R_i\) = \(\frac{V_{oc}-V_L}{R_L}\)

\(R_i\) = _______________________

  1. Now turn off the bench power supply, remove the 56 Ω resistor and measure its value.

\(R_S\) = ___________________________

  1. The Rs value measured in step 5 should equal \(R_i\). If not repeat steps 2 through 4 and if still does not explain the reason(s).

Part II:

Maximum power into the load occurs when the resistance of the load is equal to the internal resistance of the power source.

  1. Reconnect the 56 Ω resistor as in Part I.

  2. Vary \(R_L\) using the dial settings on the decade box for the values given in the following table and record the corresponding values of \(V_L\) and \(I_L\). Enter the data into an Excel spreadsheet.

\(R_L\) 1568 784 392 196 112 64 56 49 28 16 8 4 2 0
  1. Calculate the value of \(P_L\) for each set of readings and plot \(P_L\) against \(R_L\).


If \(R_L\) were fixed at 10 Ω and \(R_i\) could be varied (for example by using various power supplies from different manufactures), what value of \(R_i\) would you choose so that the 10 Ω load resistor would dissipate maximum power for a given voltage setting of the ideal power supply voltage (\(V_{oc}\))?