
Ref:Fundamentals of Physics by David Halliday/Robert Resnic/Jearl Walker,10th Edition

I am releasing a few chapters of my book on “Fundamentals of Newtonian Mechanics” for preview by the instructors and students to provide me with their feedback before I web publish the full book soon.

My inspiration of composing “Circuit Theory and Applications Laboratories” is my beloved late wife Shahina Maula Rahman .She entered in my life very quietly and remained quite raising my two sons with extreme patience, care and love. She remained as my friend, role model and mentor during my bad and good days for 37 years. She propagated her moral and ethical values that ignited my soul to be able to see and calibrate my mind to achieve my mission as a human being and remained with me with her love and guidance from the eternity. Her dedication in education and services to the community as a good physicist, an excellent teacher, with many other magnificent human qualities as a dedicated mother, a trustworthy wife, and an extremely passionate, warm, soft spoken, and gentle person left a legacy of descendants that will represent her for a long time. I am dedicated to carry on her values in my works through writing books and other humanitarian mission to keep her soul with peace in the eternity. My initial works of composing the books are for the memories of my beloved late wife, Shahina.

Why I am trying to write this book?

Most of the academic institutions from the kindergarten to universities are forced to shut down their on campus activities due to COVID-19 pandemic. Alternatively,in order to continue with the academic classes, most of the higher educational institutions adapted on-line education system through Blackboard, Google Classroom or Zoom. Irrespective of their pros and cons at least these are the top Web Conferencing Software that most of the academic institutions are using as an alternative educational platform. My plan is to compose the following three electronic physics books:

\(\bullet\) “Fundamentals of Electricity & Magnetism”,

\(\bullet\) “Fundamentals of Newtonian Mechanics”

\(\bullet\) “Fundamentals of Modern Physics & Optics”.

to supplement as online texts for instructors and students.

These supplementary books are written based on the famous undergraduate text book Fundamentals of Physics (10th Ed.) by R. Resnick, D. Halliday and J. Walker.

Keeping the students need into consideration, these books contain many __Example Problem, Solved Problem and Problems that are taken mostly from Fundamentals of Physics (10th Ed.) by R. Resnick, D. Halliday and J. Walker.

The reson for adopting the problems from Fundamentals of Physics (10th Ed.) so that students and instructors can cross reference for the extended and short versions of the topics. I hope my books will be beneficial to instructors in delivering the subject matters to students much more quickly and easily. I have included some research topics for students who intend to pursue their undergraduate projects on numerical anaysis using Python or Matlab.

Also, in these supplementary books I put together the subject materials in the order and sequence that the instructors may follow to deliver their lectures to students in the classes.